Mortgage Rates

Rates effective: March 03, 2025

New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority

Type Points Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
Home Flex 0 3.50% 6.250% 7.018% $6.16
*Annual Percentage Rate based on 0 point, 30-year term, 96.5% LTV; including PMI.

Type Points Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
Home Preferred
80% AMI & Under
0 3.00% 6.625%
7.166% $6.40
*Annual Percentage Rate based on 0 point, 30-year term, 97% LTV; including PMI.
Sugar River Bank offer's Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and USDA (Rural Development) financing.

Type Points Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
Flex Plus ($10K Down Payment  Assistance) 0 3.50% 7.250% 8.036% $6.82
*Annual Percentage Rate based on 0 point, 30-year term, 96.5% LTV; including PMI.

Type Points Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
Home Preferred ($10K Down Payment  Assistance) 80% AMI & Under 0 3.00% 7.375% 7.929% $6.91
Under the Home Start Homebuyer Tax Credit Program, eligible borrowers can save up to $2,000 per year in reduced federal tax liability. New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority administers the Home Start Homebuyer Tax Credit program. For more information, please visit or contact one of our originators for more information.
*Annual Percentage Rate based on 0 point, 30-year term

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans (ARM)

Type Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) CAPS Payment Per $1,000***
3/1 Year ARM 20.00% 6.625% 7.267% 2 / 6 $6.40
5/1 Year ARM 20.00% 6.750% 7.224%
2 / 6 $6.49
7/1 Year ARM 20.00% 6.875% 7.252% 2 / 6 $6.57
10/1 Year ARM 20.00% 7.000% 7.308% 2 / 6 $6.65
The interest rate on Adjustable Rate Mortgages may increase after consummation of the loan.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and a 30 year term.
Other down payment options are available.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.
Private Mortgage Insurance required on loans with less than 20% down.

Fixed Rate Mortgage

Type Points Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
10 Year Fixed 0 20.00% 6.125% 6.526% $11.16
15 Year Fixed 2 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
15 Year Fixed 1 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
15 Year Fixed 0 20.00% 6.250% 6.535% $8.57
20 Year Fixed 2 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
20 Year Fixed 1 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
20 Year Fixed 0 20.00% 6.500% 6.729% $7.46
30 Year Fixed 2 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
30 Year Fixed 1 20.00% N/A N/A N/A
30 Year Fixed 0 20.00% 6.875% 7.053% $6.59
Interest rate is based on a 45 day rate lock.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and the corresponding term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years with 780 credit score.
Other down payment options are available.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.
Rates are for single family homes and for loans up to $766,550
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) required on loans with less than 20% down.

Jumbo Mortgage Loans

Special programs available for Jumbo Loans over $766,550, excluding Rockingham and Strafford County where Jumbo Loans are considered over $862,500.00. Specific terms and conditions apply, please contact a loan officer for more details.

Type Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
30 Year Fixed 20.00% 6.875% 6.890% $6.57
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $1,000,000.00 loan amount, 20% down payment and a 30 year term.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) required on loans with less than 20% down.

Land Loan

Type Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Payment Per $1,000***
15 Year 5/1 ARM 25.00% 7.500% 8.187% $9.27
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan amount.
The interest rate on Adjustable Rate Mortgages may increase after consummation of the loan.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is not available with Land Loans.

Construction Loans

Type Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) CAPS Payment Per $1,000***
12 Month* Fixed Construction 20.00% 7.500% 12.941% N/A Interest only
One Step Construction 3/1 ARM** 20.00% 7. 750% 8.062% 2 / 6 $7.17
One Step Construction 5/1 ARM** 20.00% 8.000% 8.317% 2 / 6 $7.34
One Step Construction 7/1 ARM** 20.00% 8.125% 8.461% 2 / 6 $7.43
One Step Construction 30 Year Fixed*** 20.00% 7.250% 7.436% N/A $6.89
The Interest rate on Adjustable Rate Mortgages may increase after consummation of the loan.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and a 12 month term for the interest only construction loan with 780 credit score.
**Annual percentage rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and a 30 year term for one step construction.
***Annual percentage rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and a 30 year term for one step construction with 780 credit score.
Some restrictions apply.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.
Private Mortgage Insurance required on loans with less than 20% down.

Home Equity Line of Credit

Type Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Conditions Payment Per $1,000*
Home Equity Line of Credit 7.500% 9.250% Maximum LTV 80% $6.25
Closing costs as low as $200.00 with a minimum of $10,000.00 disbursed at closing with new indebtedness to Sugar River Bank.
Fixed rate for the first 12 months then rate can adjust quarterly to Wall Street Journal Prime plus .50%
Minimum rate of 7.500%. Maximum rate of 18%. The rate is discounted for the first 12 months.
Monthly payments will be based on interest only over 10 years, a balance may be due at maturity.
*APR based on $10,000 line fully extended. No annual fee.

Home Equity Loan

Type Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) Conditions Payment Per $1,000***
Fixed Rate Home Equity* 7.375% 7.420% Maximum LTV 80% $11.81
Closing costs as low as $200 with a $10,000 or more new indebtedness Home Equity Loan with Sugar River Bank,
No annual fee.
*APR for Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan based on $100,000 loan, 10 Year Term with $200 fee.

Mobile Home Loan

Mobile Homes / New / Used / New in Park / Used in Park

New / Used Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) CAPS Term Payment Per $1,000***
New or Used on Land - 1 Yr ARM 20.00% 7.250% 8.954% 2 / 6 240 Months $7.91
New or Used on Land - 3 Yr ARM 20.00% 7.750% 8.766% 2 / 6 240 Months $8.21
New or Used on Land - 5 Yr ARM 20.00% 8.250 8.830% 2 / 6 240 Months $8.53
New in Park - 3 Yr ARM 20.00% 7.750% 8.750% 2 / 6 180 Months $9.42
New in Park - 5 Yr ARM 20.00% 7.875% 8.599% 2 / 6 180 Months $9.49
Used in Park - 3 Yr ARM 20.00% 8.000% 8.871% 2 / 6 120 Months $12.14
Used in Park - 5 Yr
20.00% 8.250% 8.863% 2 / 6 120 Months $12.27
Used in Park - 10 Year Fixed 20.00% 8.125% 8.541% No 120 Months $12.20
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000.00 loan, 20% down payment and corresponding term of 10, 15 or 20 years for Manufactured home loans.
The APR may increase after consummation of the loan.
Other down payment options are available - call for details.
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) required on loans with less than 20% down and is not available on all mobile home loans.
Rates and Programs are subject to change without notice.

Boat Slip Loans

Type Down Payment Interest Rate Annual Percentage Rate (APR*) CAPS Payment Per $1,000***
1 Year ARM 20.00% 6.49% 8.850% 2 / 6 $8.71
3/1 Year ARM 20.00% 6.99% 8.431% 2 / 6 $8.98
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) based on $100,000. Term is 15 Years.
***Payment per thousand does not include escrow for real estate taxes or insurance and the actual payment with Escrows will be higher.
All rates subject to change without notice. Please verify rates by contacting your nearest branch office. Please note other terms, conditions, or restrictions may apply depending upon product offering. Please contact your nearest branch office for complete details.
The APR may increase after consummation of the loan.

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

To calculate an estimate of PMI, visit, for MGIC's MI Options Calculator.

Equity Builder Program (EBP) and Housing Our Workforce (HOW) program

Sugar River Bank participates in The Equity Builder Program (EBP) which offers grants to households with incomes at or below 80% of the area median income with down-payment, closing-cost and home-buyer counseling.

HOW provides assistance to FHLBank Boston financial institution members to help local homebuyers earning more than 80% and up to 120% of the area median income with down payments on owner-occupied primary residences.