On Your Own Time...
Sugar River Bank Cash Management is suitable for companies of all sizes. From a sole proprietorship to a large corporation, it allows you to handle a variety of cash management and accounting needs online. We offer different levels of service-so you can manage your accounts your way. Enjoy the ease and efficiency of Sugar River Banking Cash Management on your time.
Single User Online
- Monitor your balance
- View account history
- Transfer funds between Sugar River Bank accounts
- Make loan payments
- View and print images of checks
- Stop check payments (a service fee will apply)
- Download “real time” transactions on any account to commonly available money management software.
- Download statement information
- Send and receive messages securely
- The ability to set up an alternative, customizable home page
Bill Payment
Enjoy the efficiency and convenience of Sugar River Bank Bill Payment. Avoid the hassle of writing and mailing paper checks.
- Pay all your bills in one place
- Ability to set up recurring payments
- Accurate record keeping
Basic Cash Management
All that the Single User Online offers with the ability to add additional cash users with their own unique password. A Cash Management Administrator selected by you will have the ability to control which employees can log in to perform which functions.
Premium Cash Management**
Benefit from all the features of Basic Cash Management with added features:
- ACH capability, including:
- Bank to bank transfers
- Vendor Payments
- Ability to initiate one time or reoccurring charges
- Direct Deposit
- Bank to bank transfers
- Domestic Wire Transfers (wire charges apply)
** Approval required
All terms and conditions are subject to change without notification.
All terms and conditions are subject to change without notification.
Electronic Statements
Go paperless and enjoy the most efficient, secure and convenient way to receive your statement!
Why go electronic?
- Reduce Clutter-You can save your statement to your computer for permanent storage and reference.
- More Secure-Replaces monthly paper statements and decreases your risk of identity theft.
- Quick Delivery-You will receive an email notification as soon as your statement cycle closes.
- Convenient-No more trips to the post office or your mailbox.
- Environmentally friendly
- It’s free!
To sign up, log into your SRB Online Banking account and click on the easy statements tab and follow the steps.
It’s just that easy…
For more information call or visit one of our branches. See a listing of our branch office locations and hours.

Save for your Future!
Individual Retirement Accounts
- This is a personal savings plan that offers tax advantages
- All IRA's are cd's that fall under the umbrella of the IRA guidelines